Feminist: A person who believes in social, political and economical equality of the sexes

Tuesday 13 May 2014

A man's world?

Hello there

I decided that my first post would be a little (or not that little) explanation for this blog. I've wanted to make a difference to the feminist/anti sexist movement but, with a student budget and crappy imagination, I didn't know where to begin. I think this could do the job.

Throughout time men have been in control, though they may not realise it. Their "natural strength", "aggressive/dominating nature" and religion have led to this fascinating yet ridiculous power order of the sexes. Everything starts off being male-dominated, the work force, big businesses, politics, the internet, and since we made the massive jump in the last 100-150 years of gaining some basic rights, women are gaining representation in these areas. But this being a "Man's world" means that men feel intimidation and loss of power that they and all their ancestors have had for thousands of years. I mean, if you and your friends were having a girls' night and some boys showed up and took over, you'd be pissed, right? But there is a bigger picture. Sexism is a power game.

To those who don't believe that sexism is a problem or think that feminists are insane, give this a watch.

The love I have for this woman and this video is unreal. Her sex positive sex education videos are incredibly informative and accurate.

It's not just about us, in England or wherever, getting harassed on the street or bullied by coworkers or denied rights over our own bodies and reproductive health. There are women worldwide getting physically abused, genital mutilation, sold like cattle, raped by men 40 years their senior when they are only 8 years old, denied the rights to vote or drive. I don't know how I'm going to make a difference there yet, but I will.

I think the most important step we can take at the moment is girls sticking together. As Tina Fey famously said in Mean Girls (2004) "You guys have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores, it just makes it OK for guys to call you sluts and whores." I am avid believer in sexual freedom, please don't slate women on their sexual choices, especially if, when those same choices are made by a man, he's a "legend" or a "lad". God I hate lad culture. As long as you are being safe and consensual, your choices are your business and no one can shame you for them. Once women are united, we can take the next step to take over the world! No I'm totally joking, but make a difference, stand up for eachother, claim back what's ours, end objectification and stereotypes and abuse and make the world a better place. 

I hope at least one person found this interesting or motivating or helpful. I will be making more posts on issues like these.

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